San Leon Energy

1131 days ago

San Leon – this smells

There is a curious update today from San Leon Energy (SLE) regarding another of its Nigerian partners which seems a tad slow to hand over cash it owes. This smells.


1318 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is Symphony Environmental a stonking short?

I start with the news that we are backing Harcus Parker to get cash back for victims of Neil Woodford. Then I look at Versarien (VRS) and its new improved face nappy, at Iconic (ICON) and the madness at NightCap (NGHT) – since when is one rented London bar (currently shut) worth £4 million? Then San Leon Energy (SLE), en passant, there is a detailed look at Symphony Environmental (SYM). 


1543 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Pulling apart red flag-strewn results from thirsty Paul Scott's beloved TrakM8

Jeepers he must have been sober to have fallen in love with this shite. In today’s podcast I look at Versarien (VRS), TrakM8 (TRAK), ADM Energy (ADME), San Leon Energy (SLE) and Catenae (CTEA). Now go and have a butchers at MineProphets and book your ticket (just £2.99) now HERE.


1564 days ago

San Leon Energy and the missing dividends – does Computershare realise it’s not 1974 any more?

Do not get me wrong, I am told that there were some great things about the 1970s: The Sweeney, Starsky & Hutch, pre AIDS casual sex, The Harlem Globetrotters, Star Wars, Abba, the rise of Maggie… the list goes on an on. But while we may yearn for much of that, surely we do not want to go back to a world where we receive payments by cheques sent in the post? That is more George & Mildred than Debbie Harry.  Over at registrars Computershare it seems that time has stood still and they are still watching and laughing at Brian Murphy and Yootha Joyce.

My pension and other loyal shareholders in this company should have received a bumper 6p per share special dividend in San Leon Energy (SLE) on 29 May.


1591 days ago

San Leon Energy - is this the most gutsy director buy ever seen on AIM?...

Last week I interviewed Oisin Fanning, the boss of San Leon Energy (SLE) for a video for the ShareProphets shares show which you can see HERE. It was utterly compelling and on May 6 I put 8% of my pension into the stock, something I discussed in my main stage talk on AIM Rogues, at the show, HERE. There has now come a bombshell…


1592 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: taking incoming from all quarters today

There are folks in a certain rain sodden second world nation objecting to an article on my own site HERE. The Mrs. Natch. It is all to do with mother-in-law jokes.  At least one AIM CEO objecting to this article. And finally a chap who asribes evil motives to the timing of my investment in San Leon (SLE), without actually knowing a couple of key facts. I discuss the point he raises. In the main podcast I look at Tern (TERN), where I think Nigel S is wrong but that the boss is a rogue director as I explained at the weekend HERE, 88 Energy (88E), and Land Securities (LAND) and the entire commercial property sector.


3587 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 13 November

This is my longest podcast in this series to date as in the last ten minutes I got rather excited about the growing stink at Touchstone Gold. Before that there is comment on Quindell, African Minerals, Jubilee Platinum, Volex, San Leon Energy, profits warnings and Coms.
